ACC and Accident Insurers
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- ACC and Accident Insurers
Focus on Jobs is one of Auckland’s leading providers of occupational assessment and vocational consulting services to ACC and Third Party Administrators (TPAs).
We have been providing these services since 1999. We pride ourselves on our professional service and working with our referrers and clients to achieve great results for both parties.
Occupational Assessment Services
Focus on Jobs has a team of experienced assessors based throughout Auckland. We meet clients at sites across Auckland, in South Auckland including Pukekohe, Central Auckland, West Auckland, and the North Shore including Warkworth. With our large team we are always able to accept referrals.
We provide the three types of Occupational Assessment services to ACC and other accident insurers:
- Initial Occupational Assessment
- Vocational Independence Occupational Assessment
- Loss of Potential Earnings Occupational Assessment
Our ACC vendor ID is VAB155.
Focus on Jobs is also the exclusive provider of Occupational Assessment services to Active+ (ACC Vendor ID GO8224) in the greater Auckland area.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services – Back to Work, Job Search and Post-placement Support
Focus on Jobs is the exclusive provider of vocational consulting services to Active+ in the greater Auckland area. Active+ (ACC Vendor ID GO8224) holds the ACC Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS) contract, which includes
- Back to Work (BTW),
- Job Search (JS) and
- Post-placement Support
We have been providing these services to Active+ since the inception of the ACC VRS contract in 2012.
Back to Work
This service prepares injured clients for a return to the workforce in medically suitable work following injury.
Back to Work is a multi-disciplinary service and can include input from Vocational Consultants, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, and Psychologists, as well as from other disciplines as required. Our Vocational Consultants coordinate the service and provide all vocational consulting services.
We will co-ordinate and deliver a tailored programme, which can include:
- Pre-employment Preparation (PEP), including reviewing work preferences, goal setting and job search planning, preparing a CV and cover letters, and preparing for job interviews
- Co-ordination of training through external providers, such as gaining of driver licences, or computer training
- Sourcing, setting up and monitoring work experience, or work trials, to measure and demonstrate fitness for work and, hopefully, to find paid employment
- Job search working alongside the client and on their behalf, including approaching employers directly, liaising with employers regarding contracts and providing ongoing support to maintain employment
- Business planning including facilitating market research, feasibility analysis and deciding on a business offering, followed by action planning and business plan implementation
- An exercise-based programme specifically designed to prepare the client for medically suitable work roles (delivered by our Physio partners at Active+)
- Psychology input to prepare the client for a return to work from a psychological perspective (delivered by our Registered Psychologist partners at Active+)
With Back to Work, we have an excellent track record of securing work experience and paid employment for those we work with. We have strong employer networks throughout the Auckland area and maintain an active database of over 450 employers who we call upon to place our clients. Our team is also skilled at making new connections with employers, which we are doing continually.
Job Search
In the Job Search service we work with the client to assist them to secure paid employment.
This service is available to ACC clients who have progressed through the Vocational Independence process and are nearing the end of their entitlement to ACC weekly compensation. This service can include but is not limited to:
- CV modification/development
- Providing job search advice
- Preparing a job search plan
- Job interview tips and training
- Job application preparation and training
- Liaison with potential employers
Our consultants tap into our networks and are skilled in making connections with employers to assist clients find the type of employment they want.
We can also provide a similar service to clients at different stages of the ACC process under Back to Work.
Post-placement Support
Following successful placement into paid employment we provide support to help the client maintain their new job. We check in with the client and employer on a regular basis and are available to help the client address any concerns about maintaining their job, either related to or unrelated to their injury. This can involve liaising with the employer in person or providing other support such as arranging equipment.